Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Wyatt's 4th Birthday Party

I wanted to give Wyatt a birthday party that was creative and one that couldn't be "bought" at a party store, but that I could also manage on a tight budget.  So I poked around on Pinterest and looked for inspirations for his train-themed birthday party.  Here are some of the photos of the party.  We all had such a great time and mother nature provided an amazing day for us - warm and sunny - what a treat.  Most importantly, Wyatt had an amazing day with family, friends and fun gifts.

Homemade train banner that we hung on the front door to welcome people. 

I made this banner using fabric from a Dr. Suess collection, felt for the letters and I backed the flags with muslin.  I fixed the letters to the flags with double-sided tape so that I can change their placement or the message altogether, depending on the occasion.  If I had had more time, I would have done the back in a totally different theme so that they could be "reversible".  Regardless, it was a fun, easy sewing project - I say this as a beginner sewer.

I got this fabric at Joann - just backed it with an off-white denim to give it some weight.  Hoping to be able to re-use this as well if the right occasion comes along.

I borrowed the dessert stand from a friend and ordered a dozen red and turquoise balloons to put around the house to make things look a little more festive.  We have stumbled into a tradition of making oatmeal chocolate chip cookies for Wyatt's birthday each year (mostly because we like them and want an excuse to make them). 

My Mom is a master at cutting things out.  So she made this cute caboose to fix to our plasticware holders, just to dress them up a bit.  She also made and engine and various other types of train cars that I stuck to the backs of our dining room table chairs.  Thanks Mom.

Again, lucked out when my Mom and Dad volunteered to make Wyatt's birthday cake.  I told them the party was train-themed and pointed my Mom to Pinterest.  I had no idea until they walked into our house the day of the party that this was what they were going to make.  It was amazing and was the centerpiece of the party.

Thanks Mom!

I think he likes it!  Happy 4th Wyatt!  We love you.

1 comment:

  1. I really like what you’ve done with the place. It looks charming! Congratulations on your baby boy’s birthday. I’m planning a birthday party for eldest too, in a little LA venue. I generally do a house party as well, but his cousins are in town and we thought it’d be more fun. God bless!
